Automatic Metro Map Layout System


This is an implementation of a master thesis : "Automatic Metro Map Layout Using Multicriteria Optimization" by Jonathan Stott. In this paper, he proposed using Simulated annealing algorithm to turn geographical coordinate data to metro map.

這是一個實作Jonathan Stott的論文Automatic Metro Map Layout Using Multicriteria Optimization的專案,主要是以模擬退火演算法的概念將地理資料的座標轉換成我們常見的捷運圖。

Criteria of a metro map such as the angle of each lines, the distance of each stations, if the node snap to the grid, the position of the name of the station, line position changes due to overlap...etc. The idea of simulated annealing algorithm is when the particles of a metal vibrate around larger area in high temperature. After some iterations, the temperature goes low and the vibrate area of the particles become smaller, and finally, go into a stable state. This is a way to find better solution but not the best one. Combine those criteria into a scoring function. We move the metro station around the grid map and score the result with the scoring function. After some steps, the movable space of metro station decreased while the layout state is accepted only if the score is higher than previous one. At last, it will reach a stable state.



The following is the result of Taipei MRT.
