Software Render Project


This is a project of Computer Graphic class. We can use one OpenGL API to draw a point in specific coordinate with specific color. The rest of the calculation such as translate from 3D model to 2D screen, color and lighting...etc. To experience the progress of OpenGL rendering pipeline, and show the result compared to OpenGL.

此為修電腦圖學的作業,在這個作業裡面只能使用 OpenGL 在螢幕上指定座標繪製一點的 API,其餘部分必須自行實作與 OpenGL 等價的 API ,體驗 OpenGL Render Pipeline 的過程,包括了 3D 物件的平移、縮放、旋轉、法向量內插打光等。


The left hand side is rendered by OpenGL while the right hand side is rendered through my calculation. The result shall be correspond to each other.

左邊為 OpenGL 函數呼叫的執行結果,右邊為實作的軟體 Render 結果。兩邊出來的結果應該要盡量的一致。