Motion Graph in iClone 5


This is a project of IM-Lab, NCCU and Reallusion. Reallusion is a 2D/3D real time production software developing company. It famous product are iClone and CrazyTalk. This project was implemented by two students, led by advisor, and tested by Reallusion. This project is to develop Motion Graph Computation system, which is a new core feature of iClone 5. We implemented the API of computation and manipulation of a Motion Graph; searching path API on the graph; motion’s wrapping and morphing. In this project, I implemented Motion Graph’s computation, manipulation API, and the global search API of the graph.

本計畫是實驗室和甲尚科技股份有限公司的產學合作計畫,甲尚科技是一間自行研發2D/3D媒體即時製作工具的軟體公司,其代表產品為iClone與CrazyTalk。本計畫由兩人負責軟體開發撰寫,指導教授提供演算法等諮詢,以及廠商幫忙測試及驗證。本計畫為iClone 5的其中一項核心新功能:Motion Graph的自動建立與操作。在這個計畫中,實作了Motion Graph的自動建立與修改的API,操作此Graph的路徑搜尋API,動作之間的Wrapping和Morphing以及修正。在此計畫中我負責的部分為Motion Graph的自動建立與修改的API,和設計在此Graph上進行全域搜尋的演算法。


Currently, this feature is in iClone 5. Please download the trial version from their website.

目前此項功能已在iClone 5軟體內,請至甲尚科技的網站下載iClone 5試用版。

Motion Graph


I experienced a large scale software development cycle and realized the importance of testing in this project. Though the developing part is only about 33% of the total time. The testing is to use large amount of motion capture motions to create the motion graph and evaluate the result with human eyes. In this project, I also used basic parallel computing library to build motion graph. These are experiences can be rarely learnt in campus.

在這個專案中主要體驗了大型軟體開發的過程,真正了解到測試的重要性。開發時間僅佔整體時間的33%,而剩餘的測試過程,則是使用大量的Motion Capture的動作進行驗證視覺結果,是一個相當難得的歷練。此外在這個專案中,建立Motion Graph的部分也使用了平行處理來加速,這些都是學校較難得到的大型專案開發的經驗。